How to use standard or custom HTTP headers
REST Resources
Entities SHOULD be served with an ETag header. |
ETag, If-None-Match |
3.5 HTTP Headers |
3.6.1 POST
Location header |
Resource lifecycle
either If-Unmodified-Since or If-Match |
Clients may specify a desired version as the v parameter of the Accept header |
If the version was unspecified, the server should use the latest available version, and specify the Vary header |
Internationalisation (i18n)
Localisation is inherently a representation concern, and HTTP mandates such concerns to be addressed using protocol headers. |
Single-entity GET endpoints
Responses should include a Last-Modified or ETag header, and may include both |
Servers may support the Accept-Encoding header for compression purposes, but this is not mandatory. |
Expires HTTP Header | |
ETag |
Require Versioning in the Accepts Header |
Support ETags for Caching |
Provide Request-Ids for Introspection |
Divide Large Responses Across Requests with Ranges |
POST operations SHOULD support the Location response header |
Options and link headers |
Standard request headers |
Standard response headers |
Custom Headers |
Specifying headers as query parameters |
Naming Conventions
Every HTTP Header should use Hyphenated-Pascal-Case. A custom HTTP Header SHOULD NOT start with X- (RFC6648). |